Sunday, May 13, 2012

..thus endeth....

was just wondering what my epithet should read....were it to be true and objective....

"Thus endeth the insiginficant, temporary, not terribly remarkable story of Pradeep Shastry Vedula.....and even if it were significant and remarkable, what would it matter now to him"

And there might be an annexure, or a hyperlink in this day, which would go on thus...

and to his very last breath, he kept on believing that what he believed was most important, that he had the best intentions in everything he did - and "best" was by his own definitions, 

till the very end he kept complaining that the world didn't quite work as he believed it should

till the end he kept believing that making more and more money was really important.....(though it's true that when reminded on his deathbed that his sons will have a comfortable life thanks to all the hard work he put in making money for them, for some weird reason he didn't seem comforted by that thought..)

till the end he believed ....

till the end he could not really decide....

....that his life mattered any more than that of a sparrow...